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Child Support Services
Illinois Child Support

Income Withholding for Support Notice

An illustration is provided for your reference.

Prior Form

ORDER INFORMATION : This document is based on the support or withholding order from Illinois (State/Tribe).
You are required by law to deduct these amounts from the employee/obligor's income until further notice.
$              100.00     Per          BIWK                      current child support
$              50.00       Per          BIWK                      past-due child support -  Arrears greater than 12 weeks? X Yes  ¨No
$                              Per                                           current cash medical support
$                              Per                                           past-due cash medical support
$                              Per                                           current spousal support
$                              Per                                           past-due spousal support
$              25.00___  Per          BIWK      _______   delinquency, totaling $    200.00     as of       01/10/2013   ,___this amount may or may not include all of the interest that you owe.__                                                             ___.
$                              Per                                           other (must specify)                                               .
for a Total Amount to Withhold of $                     175.00                     per                          BIWK                                      .

New Form

ORDER INFORMATION : This document is based on the support or withholding order from Illinois (State/Tribe). 
You are required by law to deduct these amounts from the employee/obligor's income until further notice.
$              100.00     Per          BIWK                      current child support
$              75.00       Per          BIWK                      past-due child support -  Arrears greater than 12 weeks? X Yes  ¨No
$                              Per                                           current cash medical support
$                              Per                                           past-due cash medical support
$                              Per                                           current spousal support
$                              Per                                           past-due spousal support
$                              Per                                           other (must specify)                                                                               .
for a Total Amount to Withhold of $                     175.00                     per                          BIWK                                      .

Questions? Call: 1.888.245.1938.

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